Hi everybody. Just a bunch of pictures with a little description sometimes. Enjoy.
The walk back home some days this summer.My apt is pretty much right behind that red sign thing by about 600 feet.
I didn't know what mulberries were, but apparently Japan has them.
So I picked a bunch that were on the side of the road and froze em!
Hiking up behind the park and along the mountain ridge is cool.
Probably shouldn't just eat berries you find but you know... I'm not so smart.
I thought it was cool to see that these shoots were all in a line, presumably because they're coming from one straight root.
On the hike back to the park.
These cedar forests are quite common. I thought it was pretty cool and then noticed if you move a bit one way or another they all line up... because they were planted. I'll put up a comparison picture later.
Some baby bok choy I picked out of my little garden box.
One of my favorite places to eat in the city. Usually not crowded, kinda on a side road out of the main stuff. Super wonderful. I have lots of pictures from here that will be in the food post later.
Nice place to read over in the harbor
I pulled over cause this seemed like such a great picture.
I drove past this field on my way to work and was blown away, so came back after work to get pictures!
For the record the picture portrays only a fraction of how awesome this place is.
Figs a growin. These bushes are very common in town and random little places near housese.
So these next few pictures are of a hike I did on Mount Morone. It was cloudy as I got about 1/3 of the way up the mountain but made the hike super cool looking.
Cicada shed
Cicada! They neat.
So the mountain to the left side of this picture is actually the one I took the like 10 pictures above this from. This place is at Tokusenjo out behind my apt by about 4 or 5 miles.
It looks out over the city. Also these shorter shrubs in the front are all azaleas and in the spring this place is like completely pink and crazy. I hadn't learned about this place yet however.
The little bump/hill out in the water is Oshima Island. I have some pictures from the top of that in a previous post.
Morone again.
I love how overgrown this trail is.
This is one of the top pieces of Tokusenjo, with a little shrine.
There were tons and tons of dragonflies at Tokusenjo. This one resting.
This is farther down the mountain closer to where I left my car. Super swell and green.
And one of the best freakin things ever. I found a fossil of a fern! I've wanted a fossil for a long while. I've gone to rivers and just broken random rocks for 20 minutes at a time seeking. This one was used in constructing a parking spot to the side of a road I happened to walk through. Still super cool and I'm very excited about it!
I decided to split all the summer pictures I had into two posts since there were about 200 of them. Just seemed like a really long post. Didn't take me too long to do this one though so the next should be out soon.
Thanks for taking a gander.
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